Thursday, 12 April 2012

Photog: Amir Yusof

Location: Malaysia
Widely known as Razrig among his cosplay friends and photographers.

Photoshoot Data:
Shoot cosplay : Actually prefer shooting both solo and group.
Preference in shooting : Depend on how many cosser that i'm shooting if solo would prefer shooting alone, if group would help if got other photographers.
Setting : Doesn't matter which setting as long as its suitable for the theme/cosplay
Time : Doesn't matter.

How long have you been shooting cosplay? 
I been shooting cosplayer since end of 2009 till now.

How is cosplay photography different from other photography? 
For me there's not much difference beteween other photography and cosplay photography. Most important for me is the passion for it.

What motivates/demotivates you from cosplay photography? 
What motivates me in cosplay photography is the fact that I like doing it. I enjoy seeing characters from the anime come to live. Doing what I like is enough to motivate in persuin cosplay photography. Actually I don't know what demotivate me from cosplay photography maybe when I don't like doing it i would demotivate from cosplay photography XD

Do share with us what camera other gadgets you usually work with.
Currently I'm using a Canon 550D with 4 lense a 50mm f1.8,28-75 f2.8, 85mm f1.8 and a wide angle 12-24 f4. i usually used the 28-75 for event.

Do you mind sharing the editing software you usually use?
I use Lightroom to edit the overall photo, color/exposure and Photoshop if touching up is required.

Most memorable shoot and why?
I would say when I was having fun while doing shoots. Well, most the memorable shoots are back in 2010. I don't particularly remember which one but I had quite a fun time although I didn't get good result. The fun, it's worth it.

You can view more of his photography in DA: and his Facebook:

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