Jonathan, a local cosplayer currently reside in Australia shared some of his work with us. He made all his props and does not hesitate in sharing knowledge or information with fellow cosplayers. Let's find out a litt
How long have you been cosplaying?
6+ years and counting!
Favourite project and why?
Daft Punk helmets. The challenge. Seriously, the challenge. These helmets have been a horrible pain in my side for months, but the satisfaction that I felt when I finally completed them overshadowed everything else. Also, because I love Daft Punk with all my heart!
What is cosplay to you?
A fun hobby where I can meet new friends and enjoy myself with old friends. And it's also an outlet for my creativity and technical skills.
What motivates and demotivates you from cosplaying?
Fun. Every hobby should be fun. If it's not fun, it's not a hobby. Demotivation? Most probably would be the lack of initiative from newcomers to the cosplay scene in making and researching their own costumes and characters.
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