Monday 19 November 2012

Activity: Checkers

1. Game will be conducted on a 7 x 7 grid with 7 pieces each team with a commander that order the pieces to move. The game rules pretty same like the classic checkers.

2. When jumping over enemy pieces (encounter with other pieces), both pieces have to play and win in a THREE (3) ROUNDS of STONE SCISSORS PAPER.
- If the jumping pieces win, the enemy pieces is out and he/she can continue for multiple jump if the condition possible
- If the jumping pieces lose, he/she will be sent out of the board and the encounter pieces remain unharmed.

3.Kinging – When a piece reaches the opponent’s last row, he/she will be promoted into king. The king piece can move diagonally, forward or backward.

1. When one team loses all his/her pieces. 
2. When 10 mins up, the team with most pieces win. 

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