Friday 28 October 2011

Gift Exchange

Just some basic guidelines for the gift exchange activity :)

  1. It is not compulsory to bring a gift for the gift exchange but you will not be entitled to receiving a gift during the gift exchange.
  2. The minimum value of the item is RM10.
  3. No personal or used items please!
  4. It is preferable if the gift is unisex.
  5. No explicit items allowed. We have under-aged guests attending!
  6. Home made / hand made items are allowed.
  7. Food items are allowed but please ensure that it is halal. 
  8. Please have the item wrapped.
This section will be updated from time to time or when needed. Here are the notes from last year:
"As for the gift exchange, thanks for bringing the gifts! Just a short message to share though:
1. If you brought a good gift and received a good gift in return, God bless you!
2. If you brought a good gift and received a not so good gift, just know that the person who received your gift is greatly blessed by it.
3. If you brought a not so good gift and received a good gift, I'm sure you know by now how good does it feel to receive good gifts so in future, do take the effort to bless the others by doing likewise. 
4. Well if you brought a not so good gift and received a not so good gift...I'll leave this to you xp
5. For those who tak bawak langsung, now you know it feels good to receive something on christmas so next year, bawaklah satu!"

Monday 10 October 2011

What To Do At Registration Counter

Hmm...this post is to make up for last year registration system which was a bit messy >< hopefully these guidelines help. These are the faces that will be greeting you at the registration desk ;) say hello~

Desk 1 - check for your name and payment (Yukito)
Desk 2 - collect your door gift and December Babies verification (Marianne)
Desk 3 - Submit gift exchange (Joseph)
Desk 4 - Sign the guest book (compulsory) and dedicate a card to anyone (optional)
Desk 5 - Get your picture taken (Kenneth)

Picked The Right Season?

Last year we have the Best Dressed Awards along with The Potential Photographer Turn Cosplayer Award. This year, in conjunction to our four season theme, we are gonna give out the Best Dressed Season Award!

  •  Ms and Mr Summer
  •  Ms and Mr Spring
  •  Ms and Mr Autumn
  •  Ms and Mr Winter

How Does It Work?
1. Pick the right season (you think best resemble) for your cosplay (check out the colour guide given).
2. Have our pictures taken according to the season of your choice during registration that day (everyone gotta do this).
3. All the pictures will be run through by our proud Award winners last year and 2 to 3 best dressed candidates will be picked out for voting later.
4. Candidates/nominees shall be announced over dinner.
5. Voting starts, you can drop your vote into a designated box on that day.

The candidates/nominees selection criteria include your season selection i.e have you selected the right season for your cosplay, authenticity and creativity. The selection and award give away will be done by no other than our Award Winners last Year: Kuro Dai and Arisa Chow!

Friday 7 October 2011

Theme FAQ

Still confused about the theme and seasons? Hopefully this post will be able to answer your questions

1) What is the theme?
Our theme this year is "Four Seasons".

2) How does this work?
Very simple actually. Upon confirming your payment, you are required to inform us which season you would like (Fiery Summer, Pastel Spring, Cool Winter, Auburn Autumn). We will also send you a reminder, should you forget ;P

3) So... what happens?
You are required to dress in the colours allocated to the season of choice at the ball. Of course you may also come in colours that are not listed under that particular season but the most prominent colour(s) must still remain the season of choice's colours.

4) Why the seasons? Must I pick one?
Yes, you are required to pick a season to participate in activities and so on. There will be group activities carried out which will require your participation by season. There will be awards given out  too :) The awards will be "Mr and Ms Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter". Two winners from each season will be chosen through votes from the guests.

5) Can I change my season after notifying the admins?
Yes, you may until the season you wish to change to is already full. Please make any changes in advance to avoid disappointment.

6) What is the limit per season?
Spring and Summer : 20 people per season
Winter and Autumn : 30 people per season

7) Is season participation limited to cosplayers only? What if I'm not a cosplayer / do not wish to cosplay?
Nope, you may still join in without cosplaying but of course, please dress accordingly to the colours of the season you have selected. We do encourage guests to cosplay as it is a cosplay ball after all! :) However, cosplaying is not compulsory at this event.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Get Yourself A Free Studio Shoot Today!

Besides a whole new lot of activities and surprises, this year we gladly have Misao LS, a local cosplay photographer based in Kuala Lumpur to funk up the ball with his studio shoot and hey, it's FREE

Misao started his photography journey back in 2006 and began involving in cosplay photography since 2008. He is currently working as an IT engineer but his passion for photography has inspired him to take the course a level higher. He is taking diploma in photography at UTM. 

Majoring in studio portraiture, he also shoot figurines and casual fashion photography: Check out some of his work here:

So How Does It Works?
Shooting period: 5pm-630pm
  • Sign up to his booking page <links coming up soon>
  • Each cosplayer have about 5 minutes shooting slot
  • Key in your email or booking number into his laptop
  • The pictures will be emailed to you
  • Walk in cosplayers on that day is welcome too but you might need to queue up a little if there are lots of people ;)

So don't be shy, go up to the studio set up area on that day and request for your picture to be taken ;)
Check out his FB photography site:

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Be Entertained With Laughter!

You have seen him in cosplay. You have seen him pawn the stage. You have seen him crack a joke or two and can see him LIVE in the ball this year! We are proudly bringing you our very own stand up comedian: ZCDave a.k.a NameDave!

He began his journey as a comedian back in 2009 and 2010, appearing in Anicom. Thereafter, he has been featured in Astro and TV8 for various funny shows! For the record, he has been a comedian for more than 11 events. Besides bringing laughter to people around him, he is also a script editor. So let us welcome him to our event this year and be prepared for his surprises!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Calling All December Babies!

This year we're bringing in something new and special for all December babies!

Here's how it goes about. Drop us a note on the Facebook event page to notify us or you may let us known upon registration during the party. It is preferable if you can notify us in advance so that we will make sufficient preparation.

You will be entitled to a RM2 redemption coupon for the flea market... and perhaps a little surprise somewhere along the event...? ;)

The redemption coupon can be collected during registration, please bring along your IC just for verification ;)

Monday 3 October 2011

General Info

Christmas & New Year Eve Cosplay Ball
Fuh...that's a mouthful isn't it XD
Date: 31st December 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 5:00pm till 12:15am
Location: Ballroom, Hotel Sri Petaling

This is not a sponsored event so help us fund this event to make it successful! You can bank in to us (Maybank or CIMB) or COD on Saturdays. Don't miss the early bird price!
Ticket price at: 
RM50 - Oct early birds
RM60 - Nov late comers
RM70 - December last minute buddies

Why you have to pay so much!? Other events are RM25++ for two days? This is because, this is a Cosplay Ball which covers the ballroom rental, your food, drinks, door gifts for all and all activities prizes! Here are the finalized menu! Everything is Halal:

Ulam, deep fried salted fish, cold cut, fresh green salad, mixed salad (2 types of dressing).

Cream of chicken soup, assorted bread with butter.

Main dishes:
Pilau Rice Indian Style, Fried Noodles, Roasted Chicken with Brown Sauce, Sweet and Sour Fish, Lamb Stew Irish Style, Pineapple Prawns, Stir Fried Squid with Chilli Paste, Fried Omelette Egg, Mixed Vegetables Chinese Style.

Assorted sliced cakes, Bubur Kacang Hijau, Jelly, Cream Caramel, Pudding, Malay Kuih, assorted cut fruits.

ABC and cordial drinks

Hotel parking flat rate at RM3 for the whole day.

Sunday 2 October 2011

We Have Returned!

Hi guys, last year we had the same gig at Bukit Jalil Golf Club Resort to celebrate Christmas the 'Cosplay style' with 40 cosplayers, photographers and people who like cosplay. This year, we are back bringing you more food, more games, more excitement, more surprises and more activities! 

We are gonna make it BIGGER this year by holding this event at a hotel ballroom. So, do we have 100 cosplayers out there who wanna join us for this year's Christmas and countdown to new year! Do check the other posts for updates, games and activities detail!
